Membership Fees
The Executive Committee may from time to time determine whether or not there shall be any membership fee or dues by any class or classes of membership of this Association, and to fix and determine the amount thereof.
The Executive Committee may determine the amount that members shall pay to hold membership in this Association, which may be subject to change.
- Memberships in this Association shall consist of regular members and life members, and such other associate, honorary, sustaining or other members as may from time to time be provided by the executive committee when made a part of these bylaws.
- Regular memberships shall be limited to music teachers in the Los Angeles Unified School District, or other personnel paying dues. Each regular membership shall entitle the holder thereof to one vote at all meetings of members of this Association. Life memberships may be granted by the Executive Committee for longtime and exceptional service to the Association and be granted the rights of the regular membership.
- Associate, honorary, sustaining or other memberships shall consist of those persons, forms, associations, or organizations affiliated with this Association or its activities and as may be more specifically provided therefore from time to time by the Executive Committee and amendment of these bylaws. No such membership shall, however, at any time be entitled thereby to vote at any meeting of the members of this Association.
Membership Fees
The Executive Committee may from time to time determine whether or not there shall be any membership fee or dues by any class or classes of membership of this Association, and to fix and determine the amount thereof.
The Executive Committee may determine the amount that members shall pay to hold membership in this Association, which may be subject to change.
The affairs of this Association shall be administered by an Executive Committee consisting of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and a Treasurer. When such a qualified member exists, the Immediate Past President or President-Elect will also be officers. These members shall be elected by the regular members of this Association, with such qualifications as shall be determined from time to time by the regular members, and each member of said board shall be a regular member of this Association. There may also be Committees as shall be determined from time to time, consisting of those persons who may be selected, and invited to become members by the Executive Committee.
The affairs of this Association shall be administered by an Executive Committee consisting of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and a Treasurer. When such a qualified member exists, the Immediate Past President or President-Elect will also be officers. These members shall be elected by the regular members of this Association. Qualifications for officers, which will be determined by regular members, include acquiring the status of a due-paying member. There may also be subcommittees consisting of those persons who may have been selected or invited to become members by the Executive Committee.
The affairs of this Association shall be administered by an Executive Committee consisting of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and a Treasurer. When such a qualified member exists, the Immediate Past President or President-Elect will also be officers. These members shall be elected by the regular members of this Association, with such qualifications as shall be determined from time to time by the regular members, and each member of said board shall be a regular member of this Association. There may also be Committees as shall be determined from time to time, consisting of those persons who may be selected, and invited to become members by the Executive Committee.
The affairs of this Association shall be administered by an Executive Committee consisting of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and a Treasurer. When such a qualified member exists, the Immediate Past President or President-Elect will also be officers. These members shall be elected by the regular members of this Association. Qualifications for officers, which will be determined by regular members, include acquiring the status of a due-paying member. There may also be subcommittees consisting of those persons who may have been selected or invited to become members by the Executive Committee.
The President will
- Speak on behalf of the Association
- Consult with Association members
- Preside at membership and executive meetings
- Ensure that an agenda is prepared
- Appoint committees where authorized by the membership or Executive Committee
- Ensure that the Association is represented in school and district activities
- Ensure that Association activities are aimed at achieving the purposes set out in the constitution
- Be a signing officer
- Submit an annual report
- Serve for a two year term, and is not eligible for reelection until at least two years after the expiration of that term.
The Vice-President will
- Support the president
- Assume the duties of the president in the president’s absence or upon request
- Assist the president in the performance of those duties
- Accept extra duties as required
- May be a signing officer
- Submit an annual report
- Serve a one year term that is eligible for reelection, if desired.
The Secretary will
- Ensure that members are notified of meetings
- Record and file minutes of all meetings
- Keep an accurate copy of the constitution and bylaws, and make copies available to members upon request
- Prepare and maintain other documentation as requested by the membership or executive
- Issue and receive correspondence on behalf of the Council
- Keep the corporate seal and book of blank membership certificates; fill out and countersign all certificates issued and make proper entries in the books of the Association.
- Serve all notices required by law or the bylaws of the Association and in cases of absence, refusal or inability to act; these duties may be performed by any person whom the Executive Committee may direct.
- Ensure safekeeping of all records of the Association
- May be a signing officer
- Submit an annual report
- Serve for a one year term and is eligible for reelection, if desired.
The Treasurer will
- Be one of the signing officers
- Ensure all funds of the Council are properly accounted for
- Disburse funds as authorized by the membership or executive committee
- Ensure that proper financial records and books of account are maintained
- Report on all receipts and disbursements at general and executive committee meetings
- Make financial records and books of account available to members upon request
- Have the financial records and books of account ready for inspection or audit annually
- Draft an annual budget With the assistance of the executive
- Ensure that another signing officer has access to the financial records and books of account in the treasurer’s absence
- Submit an annual financial statement at the annual general meeting
- Serve for a one year term and is eligible for reelection, if desired.
Immediate past president
The Immediate Past President will
- Be an advisor to the Executive Committee
- Support the President
- Accept other duties as agreed to with the President
- Serve a one year term where upon the duties will be fulfilled by the next President-Elect
The President-Elect will
- Be an advisor to the Executive Committee
- Support the President
- Accept other duties as agreed to with the President
- Serve until assuming the office of President
- The Executive Committee may, by resolution or resolutions, passed by a majority of the whole board, or the Vice-President, upon whose authority conferred by the Executive Committee to designate and appoint such committee or committees on any subject within the powers of the Association; such committee or committees to have such powers; to exercise such duties or to perform such services as may be prescribed; Such committee or committees shall have such names as may be started in these bylaws, or as may be determined from time to time, by resolution adopted by the Executive Committee.
- Each committee shall keep regular minutes of their proceedings and report the same to the Executive Committee when required.
Annual and Biennial Meetings of Members
Notice of the calls for any annual or special meeting of the regular member of this Association shall be given by the Secretary, or such other officer as the Executive Committee may, from time to time, determine, to each regular member not less than five (5) days prior to the date of the holding of such meeting, whether annual or special.
- There shall be an annual meeting of the regular members of this Association to be held in the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, State of California, in October or November of each year for the purpose of raising money for the Scholarship Fund.
- No change of the time or place for an annual meeting of regular members of this Association shall be made within thirty (30) days prior to the date set for the next annual meeting of said members.
- Special meetings of the regular members of this Association may be called by the President or any two members of the Executive Committee from time to time, and shall be held at such place as the Executive Committee may, from time to time, determine and may call from this Association for the election of officers, in the event, for any reason, vacancies shall occur in the board.
Notice of the calls for any annual or special meeting of the regular member of this Association shall be given by the Secretary, or such other officer as the Executive Committee may, from time to time, determine, to each regular member not less than five (5) days prior to the date of the holding of such meeting, whether annual or special.
- There may be annual meeting of all members of this Association, whether regular or otherwise, at which meeting action may be taken, as the Executive Committee of this Association may determine necessary, advisable or useful except however, no election of directors of this Association shall occur at such meetings.
- Elections will be held annually, with nominations for offices during the months of February and March.
- Positions elected annually are Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. In alternating years, a President-Elect is elected one year before the President’s term is over, and the following year, the President assumes the role of Past President.
- Ballots will be mailed to the membership in April. A person must have been a member for at least 30 days to be eligible to vote. The Ballots will be returned in May.
- Election results will be announced at the annual June Banquet and the newly elected officers take over July 1st.
Termination of Membership
All regular membership shall be based on yearly dues.
All regular membership shall be based on yearly dues.
Liability of Members
No member of this Association, either regular or otherwise, shall be personally or otherwise liable of these debts, liabilities and/or obligation of this Association.
No member of this Association, either regular or otherwise, shall be personally or otherwise liable of these debts, liabilities and/or obligation of this Association.
Associate, Honorary, Sustaining, or Other Members
The Executive Committee shall have powers to admit by invitation as associate, honorary, sustaining or other members of this Association and for such period as they may elect, such person of prominence or note, as it may think proper, or such person that may refer to this Association any single benefit or service which it may wish to recognize in this manner and to renew such invitations at its discretion. Such members shall enjoy such privileges and benefits as may be determined by the Executive Committee and expect that they shall not vote or hold office.
The Executive Committee shall have powers to admit by invitation as associate, honorary, sustaining or other members of this Association and for such period as they may elect, such person of prominence or note, as it may think proper, or such person that may refer to this Association any single benefit or service which it may wish to recognize in this manner and to renew such invitations at its discretion. Such members shall enjoy such privileges and benefits as may be determined by the Executive Committee and expect that they shall not vote or hold office.
This Association may accept gifts, legacies, donations and/or contributions and in any amount and any form, from time to time, upon such terms and conditions as may be decided as necessary by the Executive Committee.
This Association may accept gifts, legacies, donations and/or contributions and in any amount and any form, from time to time, upon such terms and conditions as may be decided as necessary by the Executive Committee.
Certificates of Memberships
- Certificates of memberships - Certificates of memberships or membership cards numbered and signed by the President of the Secretary or such other officer as may be designated by the Executive Committee shall be issued to each member certifying the class of membership held by him or it in the Association.
- Lost certificates - A new certificate of membership or membership card may be issued in the place of any certificate previously issued by the Association, alleged to have been lost or destroyed, may be replaced at the Executive Committee’s discretion.
Miscellaneous Provisions
- Corporate seal — The corporate seal of the Association shall be in such form as the Executive Committee shall determine and shall contain the name of the Association, the date and state of its creation and such other matters as the Executive Committee at their discretion may determine. Same seal may used by causing it or a facsimile thereof to be impressed, affixed, reproduced or otherwise.
- Principal office – The principal office shall be established and maintained in the City of Los Angeles, County of Los Angeles, State of California.
- Other officers.— Other offices of the Association may be established by such places as the Executive Committee may, from time to time, designate or the business of the Association may require.
- Checks, drafts, notices — All checks, drafts or other orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidence indebtedness issued in the name of the Association for all debits of the Association shall be signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary or the Treasurer or by such officers or from time to time be determined by the Executive Committee.
- Notice or waivers – Whenever any notice is required by these By-Laws to be given, personal notice is not meant unless expressly sole stated; and any notice so requires shall be deemed to be sufficient if given by depositing the same in a post office box in a sealed post paid wrapper, addressed to the person entitled thereto at his last known post office address, and such notice shall be deemed to have been given on the day of such mailing. Any notice required to be given under these Bylaws may be waived by the person entitled thereto. Members not entitled to vote shall not be entitled to receive notice of any meetings except as otherwise by statute.
- Assent to meeting – Any action of the majority of the Executive Committee of this Association, although not at a regularly called meeting and the record thereof assented to in writing by all of the other members of the board, shall always be as valid and effective in all respects as if passed by the board at a regular meeting.
Fiscal Year
These revised By-Laws were adopted by unanimous vote of the dues-paying members at a meeting at Hamilton High School on March 14, 2006.
- The fiscal year shall be for the twelve month period beginning on the first day of July and ending on the last day of June each calendar year.
- At the close of the fiscal year there shall be an annual audit made by a Certified Accountant.
These revised By-Laws were adopted by unanimous vote of the dues-paying members at a meeting at Hamilton High School on March 14, 2006.